Welcome to our website
We are a volunteer, non-profit organization that helps protect and evacuate your pets during an emergency. We operate in the Colorado Front Range region, and we have the volunteers, resources, experience and organization to help emergency services personnel evacuate pets quickly and safely.
We're grateful to our donors for their generous contributions that help make these services possible at no charge to you. To donate to our organization or to learn more about our current donation needs,
please click here
If you would like more information about our services or volunteering with us, please e-mail us at info@animalEVAC.org.
Clear Creek County - Clear Creek Animal Rescue Team 303-668-0924
Jefferson County - Animal Control 303-271-5070
Park County - Animal Control 719-836-4122
Store the relevant numbers for where you live in all of your household’s cell phones!
Please take some time to consider your personal plans for your pets during an emergency.
Use the links on this page to help you. Go to
https://www.ready.gov/ for guidance about planning ahead for emergencies.
Also make sure that you sign up at Code Red
https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/655AC5D55998) so that you'll get emergency
notifications involving your home on all of your cell phone numbers. If your area
participates in Smart 911, it is also advised to create a profile on Smart 911
(https://www.smart911.com/) to give emergency
responders more details about your residence.